World Football Pro - Play3r5 - SAC Team Games
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Dimensions: W: 172cm D: 292cm H: 264cm

Weight: 538kg

World Football Pro


Players skillfully kick freestanding soccer balls off the turf trying to score on the moving goalie. The game gives players the feeling that they are in control as there are no variables to stop the ball from going in the net other than the moving goalie. Due to the competitive nature of the game, it can be programmed to be played for fun or in redemption mode.


  1. Authentic turf kicking area that gives a stadium feel
  2. Metal cages keep the ball in play and players safe
  3. Country Flags add color and nostalgia to the game
  4. Marquee is brightly lit and draws attention to the game in any size location
  5. Interactive moving goalie


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