Winner Skill Cut - Play3r5 - SAC Team Games
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Dimensions: W: 82 cm D: 91 cm H: 208 cm
Weight: 145 Kg

Winner Skill Cut

SKU: SKI-018 Categories: , ,
SKU: SKI-018 Categories: , ,

Skill Cut Winner, where the player must cut the string to win the big prize.

An exciting skill prize vend machine whereby players only need to cut a small thin piece of string to win the big prize which can fill the whole machine!

The prize is hung on a string inside the machine and players must press and hold a button, guiding the ‘cutter’s and only letting go once the string is between the metal cutters. If they successfully cut the string, they win the big prize!

Optional Redemption feature available.

Available in eight different colours: Blue, Light Blue, Light Green, Orange, Pink, Red, Teal and Yellow

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